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 manga arabe

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5 participants
L architecte
L architecte

Nombre de messages : 999
Age : 43
Localisation : casa
En quelle année? : off
Date d'inscription : 29/09/2005

manga arabe Empty
MessageSujet: manga arabe   manga arabe EmptyLun 18 Sep 2006, 15:09

Meet Monir, the feisty Arabian hero designed by Birmingham student Asia Alfasi who won an international Manga and Anime competition.

manga arabe Monir_203_203x152

Asia Alfasi, the first female participant on Hi8us Midlands Stripsearch competition, has beaten some of the world’s finest illustrators to win US$5000 from the first-ever annual international competition to identify the best in Manga and Anime talent, awarded by organisers IMAF – the International Manga and Anime Festival.

manga arabe Monir_colour_180_180x200
StripSearch project

Hi8us launched the StripSearch project in September 2003 to focus on seeking out and supporting comic strip illustration talent in Birmingham. Applicants were asked to submit 2-4 pages of original drawn comic strip; 90 people rose to the challenge. Due to the huge demand and great deal of talent, 13 finalists were selected, including Asia.

manga arabe Muslim_girl_180_180x200
Muslim character created by Asia

Asia, who has received support from Hi8us Midlands since 2003, is the winner of the Kids Character Design. Her creation, Monir, is a feisty young Arabian from the Muslim Abyssinian times who draws strength from his faith to fight injustice and battle for his family’s survival.

“I went back to my Arab heritage to draw from its design…” says Asia “calligraphy, myths and legends, I tried to incorporate them all into the character. Manga usually features Japanese culture, and I wanted to introduce some Arabian mysticism to the market.”

manga arabe Asia_180_180x200
Asia works on her drawing

Asia has taken part in several Hi8us schemes, such as Stripsearch and Developing New Markets (a scheme to help illustrators set up in business), funded by Birmingham City Council’s Equal ICI Programme, and believes that it is the support she received during this time that boosted her career

“The Stripsearch scheme provided training and insight from professionals like John McCrea and James Hodgkins, who have taught me the art of inking and getting my work up to a professional level” she enthuses

manga arabe Monir_flying180_180x200

“I established a network of contacts and was introduced and invited to be part of online art communities, and through those communities I found out about the International Manga and Anime competition. I am eternally grateful to Hi8us for presenting me with the exposure and chances to explore and further my career.”

Asia has just taken part in an exhibition at the Custard Factory and plans to continue working on her own comic, whilst finishing her degree in Visual Communications at UCE.

“We are so proud of Asia” said Jemima Cattel, Hi8us Midlands Ltd Projects Co-ordinator “her energy and commitment are amazing and we hope to continue working with her.”
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Nombre de messages : 964
Age : 37
Localisation : Rabat
En quelle année? : 6ème année
Date d'inscription : 15/09/2005

manga arabe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: manga arabe   manga arabe EmptyMar 19 Sep 2006, 21:02

ADI a écrit:
Meet Monir, the feisty Arabian hero designed by Birmingham student Asia Alfasi who won an international Manga and Anime competition.

manga arabe Monir_203_203x152

Asia Alfasi, the first female participant on Hi8us Midlands Stripsearch competition, has beaten some of the world’s finest illustrators to win US$5000 from the first-ever annual international competition to identify the best in Manga and Anime talent, awarded by organisers IMAF – the International Manga and Anime Festival.

manga arabe Monir_colour_180_180x200
StripSearch project

Hi8us launched the StripSearch project in September 2003 to focus on seeking out and supporting comic strip illustration talent in Birmingham. Applicants were asked to submit 2-4 pages of original drawn comic strip; 90 people rose to the challenge. Due to the huge demand and great deal of talent, 13 finalists were selected, including Asia.

manga arabe Muslim_girl_180_180x200
Muslim character created by Asia

Asia, who has received support from Hi8us Midlands since 2003, is the winner of the Kids Character Design. Her creation, Monir, is a feisty young Arabian from the Muslim Abyssinian times who draws strength from his faith to fight injustice and battle for his family’s survival.

“I went back to my Arab heritage to draw from its design…” says Asia “calligraphy, myths and legends, I tried to incorporate them all into the character. Manga usually features Japanese culture, and I wanted to introduce some Arabian mysticism to the market.”

manga arabe Asia_180_180x200
Asia works on her drawing

Asia has taken part in several Hi8us schemes, such as Stripsearch and Developing New Markets (a scheme to help illustrators set up in business), funded by Birmingham City Council’s Equal ICI Programme, and believes that it is the support she received during this time that boosted her career

“The Stripsearch scheme provided training and insight from professionals like John McCrea and James Hodgkins, who have taught me the art of inking and getting my work up to a professional level” she enthuses

manga arabe Monir_flying180_180x200

“I established a network of contacts and was introduced and invited to be part of online art communities, and through those communities I found out about the International Manga and Anime competition. I am eternally grateful to Hi8us for presenting me with the exposure and chances to explore and further my career.”

Asia has just taken part in an exhibition at the Custard Factory and plans to continue working on her own comic, whilst finishing her degree in Visual Communications at UCE.

“We are so proud of Asia” said Jemima Cattel, Hi8us Midlands Ltd Projects Co-ordinator “her energy and commitment are amazing and we hope to continue working with her.”

petétre kel é de ma famille Laughing bikhir!!!!
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L architecte
L architecte

Nombre de messages : 999
Age : 43
Localisation : casa
En quelle année? : off
Date d'inscription : 29/09/2005

manga arabe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: manga arabe   manga arabe EmptyMer 20 Sep 2006, 02:10


et toi t'a pas hérité de ce don ??
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Nombre de messages : 190
Age : 38
En quelle année? : 4 ème
Date d'inscription : 17/09/2007

manga arabe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: manga arabe   manga arabe EmptyVen 28 Sep 2007, 19:27

manga arabe Manga10
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Nombre de messages : 36
Age : 37
En quelle année? : N/A
Date d'inscription : 09/06/2008

manga arabe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: manga arabe   manga arabe EmptyVen 04 Juil 2008, 22:53

* clap clap clap *

Chapeau. Je t'adore chérie.
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Nombre de messages : 16
Age : 39
Localisation : ici
En quelle année? : hmm
Date d'inscription : 25/05/2008

manga arabe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: manga arabe   manga arabe EmptySam 26 Juil 2008, 14:15

manga arabe Clap chapeau bas!
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MessageSujet: Re: manga arabe   manga arabe Empty

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